Hi, I'm Alex!

A recent graduate in Game Programming.

I successfully achieved my bachelor’s degree in digital games at TH Cologne, Germany and am currently looking for Internships or Junior positions!

My special interest are gameplay, graphics programming, rendering as well as technical art. Below you can find various projects I worked on! 

Hi, I'm Alex!

A recent graduate in Game Programming.

I successfully achieved my bachelor’s degree in digital games at TH Cologne, Germany and am currently looking for Internships or Junior positions!

My special interest are gameplay, graphics programming, rendering as well as technical art. Below you can find various projects I worked on! 

Procedural Flower Garden

A DirectX11 application showcasing a handful of procedural techniques with focus on L-Systems.

Languages: C++, HLSL

Bachelor Project

Exploring optimization for rendering procedurally generated objects in DirectX11.

Languages: C++, HLSL

Networking Project

A tank game built with Unity Engine that uses networking for simple online multiplayer gameplay.

Languages: C#, C++

Graphics Programming

A scene built with DirectX11
focusing on different aspects of the programmable render pipeline.

Languages: C++, HLSL

Unreal Engine Project

A prototype made in Unreal Engine 4 focused on the implementation of game mechanics and converting Blueprints into C++ code.

Languages: Blueprints, C++


A series of arcade games using the microphone as input for playing in different ways. 

Unity Engine, C#


An interactive soundscape installed at Museum Hendrichs as part of the FUTUR21 festival in Cologne, Germany.

Unity Engine, C#

Sir Kit's Solar Power Trip

An educational game about the use of solar power with the help of Augmented Reality.

Unity Engine, Vuforia, C#

Tukki & Champ

A local multiplayer game in which both players compete against each other despite being glued together.

Unity Engine (Art)

Side Effects

A narrative game exploring different biographies using dialogue and puzzles.

Unity Engine, Articy:draft, C#

Juggernaut Legacy

A mixed reality game in which players compete in different disciplines to win points for their team.

Unity Engine, Firebase, C#

Procedural Flower Garden

A DirectX11 application showcasing a handful of procedural techniques with focus on L-Systems.

Languages: C++, HLSL

Bachelor Project

Exploring optimization for rendering procedurally generated objects in DirectX11.

Languages: C++, HLSL

Graphics Programming

A scene built with DirectX11
focusing on different aspects of the programmable render pipeline.

Languages: C++, HLSL

Unreal Engine Project

A prototype made in Unreal Engine 4 focused on the implementation of game mechanics and converting Blueprints into C++ code.

Languages: Blueprints, C++

Networking Project

A tank game built with Unity Engine that uses networking for simple online multiplayer gameplay.

Languages: C#, C++


A series of arcade games using the microphone as input for playing in different ways. 

Unity Engine, C#


An interactive soundscape installed at Museum Hendrichs as part of the FUTUR21 festival in Cologne, Germany.

Unity Engine, C#

Tukki & Champ

A local multiplayer game in which both players compete against each other despite being glued together.

Unity Engine (Art)

Sir Kit's Solar Power Trip

An educational game about the use of solar power with the help of Augmented Reality.

Unity Engine, Vuforia, C#

Side Effects

A narrative game exploring different biographies using dialogue and puzzles.

Unity Engine, Articy:draft, C#

Juggernaut Legacy

A mixed reality game in which players compete in different disciplines to win points for their team.

Unity Engine, Firebase, C#

That's me!

Greetings! I’m a game developer with a passion for both programming and art production. Currently, I’m based in the vibrant city of Cologne, Germany.

Throughout my studies, I had the chance to work on numerous group projects with other students, where I learned a lot by breaking a lot of things – and fixing most of them. But most importantly, I gained invaluable experience working within diverse, motivated and passionate teams. 
During my exchange semester at Abertay University I tried to absorb as much knowledge as I could, which coined my special interest for Procedural Generation and Graphics Programming. Even though I started my career using mainly C#, I soon fell in love with the possibilities and potential that working with  C++ has to offer.

On the side, I love dabbling in digital art, both in 2D and 3D. While I am by no means a full-time artist, I am keen to keep learning about art production and optimization. I like when stuff is functional and working, yet I always strive to make them visually good-looking and clean.

My goal is to become a wizard with C++ and ideally combine my knowledge about programming, art production and design to empower the artists and designers of my team with unlimited possibilities for their creative vision.

When I’m not working on games, I can be found kickboxing, playing chess, strumming my guitar or ukulele, and rearranging my room for no apparent reason. Some of my all-time favorite games include Dark Souls III, Kingdom Hearts II, Mega Man 2, and Sonic Adventure 2.

My Education

July 2018
Secondary School
Abitur (A-Levels)

Advanced Courses in Mathematics and English

Grade: 1,1

Sept 2018 - July 2022
Digital Games (Bachelor)

Specialization in
Game Programming

Grade: 1,5

Sept 2021 - Jan 2022
Abertay University

Visiting student for
Computer Game Technology
Game Arts

To be continued.

More steps to my journey
are on the way!

These are some of my skills!
  • Gameplay Programming in Unity
  • Graphics Programming with DirectX11
  • Network Programming for Games
  • 3D Mathematics and Dynamics
  • SCRUM / Agile Development
  • Programming Languages
    C++, C#, HLSL
  • 3D Computer Graphics
    DirectX11, OpenGL, Graphics Debugging
  • Game Engines
    Unity Engine, Unreal Engine 4
  • 3D Art Production
    Blender, Maya, ZBrush, Substance Designer, Substance Painter
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