Unreal Engine Project

A prototype made in Unreal Engine 4 focused on the implementation of game mechanics and converting Blueprints into C++ code.

University Assignment | C++ | ~1 month

  • Cloning Simple Game Mechanics
    Recreating a few simple game mechanics that are known from other games. This project contains three simple player abilities with cooldowns.
  • Implementation in Blueprints
    The mechanics were first implemented using Blueprints entirely in order to focus on the logic and testing.
  • Conversion into a full C++ Project
    Step by step, each functionality constructed with blueprints was translated into C++ code with the help of the Unreal Engine documentation.
  • Writing an Implementation Document
    A document was created with precise instructions about the design for the game mechanics contained within this prototype together with exact guidelines for implementation.

Behind the Scenes


The goal of the project was to create a prototype using Unreal Engine C++, which required me to familiarize myself with the engine’s documentation and development environment. The course was designed to give me a general understanding of the game design and implementation pipeline.



My first attempt at working with Unreal Engine was an exciting and challenging experience. With the help of Unreal tutorials and my university course, I worked my way into Blueprints to recreate some simple things. To ensure that another programmer could recreate my prototype, I wrote an implementation document that was precise and thorough.

While my work on this project may not have been groundbreaking, it marked an important milestone in my learning journey. I gained valuable experience working with Unreal Engine and exploring its features, and I am eager to continue developing my skills in this area.

Overall, this project was an insightful introduction to the world of Unreal Engine and provided me with a foundation for future projects in game development.

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